The Île-de-France electric bike bonus is a very interesting financial aid to reduce your final bill. Since September 1, 2023, it amounts to a maximum of 400 euros. Other categories of bicycles are also entitled to a subsidy. Frandroid informs you about all the boosts for which you are eligible.
For several years now, Île-de-France Mobilités (IDFM) has provided financial assistance for the purchase of a electric bike. Since September 1, 2023, this premium, formerly 500 euros – still within the limit of 50% of the purchase price – has fallen to 400 euros. But good news: it can now be combined with possible local aid (department, city).
In other words, if your municipality gives you a boost of 200 euros, this can be added to the 400 euros in the region. For a total sum of 600 euros. The rest of this file aims to guide you in obtaining aid from the Ile-de-France region, from the eligibility conditions for the bicycles concerned to the amounts paid.
The state bonus
Before getting to the heart of the matter, you should know that the French state also provides aid. The government indicates that “this bonus can be combined with local aid, if the local authority where you live has provided one. Some regions (Île-de-France, Grand Est, Pays de la Loire, Occitanie, Corsica) and several cities grant aid which can go up to €600, and is added to state aid without being included in the calculation of the ceiling “, we can read.
On the other hand, certain income conditions must be respected for electrically assisted bicycles.
- Individual with a reference tax income per share less than or equal to 6,358 euros, or in a disabled situation: 400 euros maximum.
- Individual with a reference tax income per share less than or equal to 14,089 euros: 300 euros maximum.
And if you opt for a folding, cargo, recumbent electric bike, adapted to a disability situation, there are also income conditions.
- Individual with a reference tax income per share less than or equal to 6,358 euros, or in a disabled situation: 2,000 euros maximum.
- Individual with a reference tax income per share less than or equal to 14,089 euros: 1000 euros maximum.
Who is entitled to the bonus for an electric bike?
In order to benefit from the Île-de-France bonus for an electric bike, you must be a natural person – and not a legal entity -, an adult or an emancipated minor. In other words, if you are reading this article, there is almost a 100% chance that you will be eligible for this grant.
Please note, however: the person concerned must have their main residence in the Île-de-France region, on the date of purchase of the bicycle, as well as on the date of the request for assistance. A secondary house in Île-de-France does not meet the required conditions.
How to obtain the €400 bonus for the purchase of an electric bike?
To obtain this electric bike subsidy, you must first comply with the conditions mentioned above. In addition, the region sets other important rules to know: the bicycle must comply with the regulations in force. It can be new or reconditioned through a professional reseller.
Furthermore, it must be “equipped with an electric auxiliary motor with a maximum continuous power rating of 0.25 Kilowatt whose power is gradually reduced and finally interrupted when the vehicle reaches a speed of 25 km/h, or earlier, if the cyclist stops pedal“, we can read.
If the purchased cycle can go at more than 25 km/h thanks to electric assistance, it is then considered as a speed bikea family of vehicles which belongs to the category of mopeds – and which is therefore governed by moped legislation.
You must also “commit not to resell the bike for a period of 3 years“, and not “not have benefited from assistance with the purchase of a bicycle from Île-de-France Mobilités in the last 5 years“. From there, you can go to the application form dedicated to the electric bike bonus.
Where can I find the form for the electric bike bonus?
The form to complete to benefit from thehelp with purchasing an electric bike is located on this link. You will be asked for a series of documents and supporting documents to complete your file.
- A copy of an identity document (national identity card, passport, permit or residence permit);
- Proof of emancipation for emancipated minors;
- A copy of the bicycle’s approval or conformity certificate;
- A copy of proof of address dated less than three months ago;
- If you are hosted by a third party: a certificate of accommodation, copy of the host’s ID, proof of address less than 3 months old in the name of the host;
- A RIB of the applicant’s current account to receive the transfer;
- The bicycle identification number and the bicycle identification certificate;
- A copy of the paid invoice, written in French and denominated in eurosfrom the reseller (invoice in your name and address, less than 24 months old);
What about reconditioned electric bikes?
For the reconditioned electric bikesÎle-de-France stipulates that “the invoice must mention the repairs and overhauls carried out by the reseller, as well as the warranty period of at least 1 year“.
And to continue: “only invoices dated from April 20, 2023 and less than 24 months old will be accepted. Any previous purchase is excluded from the benefit of Help to Buy.»
Which bikes are eligible for purchasing assistance in Île-de-France?
Several types of bicycles, whether electric or mechanical, are eligible for the Ile-de-France purchase bonus. New or reconditioned electric bikes, as we have already indicated previously, but also folding bikes with or without assistance, cargo bikes again with or without assistance… and mechanical bikes. Please note, only people aged 15 to 25 can benefit from help with a muscle cycle.
Electrification kits are also part of this list, provided they have been installed by a professional. Here too, said kit must not exceed a power of 250 W, for a maximum speed of 25 km/h provided by the electric assistance.
So-called “adapted” bicycles are among the compatible cycles. Île-de-France specifies:
By adapted bicycle we mean bicycles which meet the needs of people with disabilities and/or reduced mobility and/or with physical, mental or cognitive specificities preventing them from using a standard individual two-wheeled bicycle, whether either mechanical or electrically assisted.
Thus, six types of adapted bicycles are cited by the region. We use the exact names here for the sake of consistency and understanding.
- Individual two-wheeled bicycles of suitable size, reinforcement, step-over and/or seat.
- Individual three-wheeled bicycles (tricycles), whether seated, semi-recumbent or recumbent (trikes), equipped with a differential between the rear wheels.
- Handbike 3rd wheel devices, electric or non-electric.
- Tandems, when they allow a person who is unable to ride a classic individual bicycle to do so, accompanied.
- Bicycles allowing you to transport another person in a wheelchair.
- Devices to facilitate the use and maneuverability of bicycles to meet the aforementioned needs.
Adapted bicycles can be both mechanical and electric.
What are the amounts granted by assistance for the purchase of a bicycle?
Each cycle category benefits from a different amount. First of all, know that Île-de-France participates at 50%, within the limit of a defined ceiling.
- Electric-assisted bike, folding bike and mechanical cargo bike: 400 euros maximum.
- Electric-assisted cargo bike: 600 maximum.
- Electrification kit installed by a professional: 200 euros maximum.
- Adapted bike: 1200 euros maximum.
- Mechanical bike: 100 euros maximum.
Which accessories are eligible for the Île-de-France bonus?
You may not know it, but certain accessories can also receive purchase assistance, provided they are present on the invoice for the eligible bike. Accessories must be new.
For e-bikes, cargo bikes, folding bikes, electrification kits and mechanical bikes, baskets, panniers, helmets or locks are taken into account. For adapted bicycles, “These are accessories to help with the use or maneuverability of the bicycle such as pedal accessories, handlebar accessories, at the transmission level allowing the maintenance of a part of the body or safety accessories such as indicators and mirrors“.
Frandroidalso wrote a buying guide for the best bicycle and electric bike accessories. We also offer you a selection of the best inexpensive electric bikesas well as best electric bikes from the moment.
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