THE WhatsApp channels they are finally also available in Italy. There instant messaging platform Property of Meta I had launched the new tool last June initially in Colombia and Singapore in order to verify its effectiveness and correct functioning. Now, just over three months later, the Channels are distributed in 150 countries – including, as mentioned, ours.
One way private to receive the updates that interest you: this is how the function is described on the official blog, a practical way to follow athletes, creators, artists and organizations directly from WhatsApp and with the maximum level of privacy. Channels are separate from other chats, plus followers are not able to see who the user has decided to follow.
WhatsApp has communicated that with the availability extended to other countries, some new features have been introduced at the same time:
- The Channels to follow are automatically filtered based on your country. There Channel search has therefore been improved and also allows you to view the new ones, the most active and those with the highest number of followers.
- now you can to react with emojis. For privacy, the reaction sent will not be visible to other followers.
- possibility for administrators to modify their own updates for a maximum of 30 days. After which they will be automatically deleted from the servers.
- L’Forwarding of an update to a chat or group includes the link to the channel “so that people can find out more“.
Meta communicates that in the coming months everyone will be given the opportunity to create a channel. The Channels are available within the new tab Updates.
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