Comes back one more Saturday Not on Saturday Circulation Today. This means that we once again face some circulation restrictions defined by the CDMX Environment Secretariat. (SEDEMA). The program, as we already know, has its own rules for Saturdays.
What is this Today It Doesn’t Circulate? Hoy No Circula is a project that is being launched in the Metropolitan Zone of the Valley of Mexico (ZMVM) and whose objective is to reduce air pollution caused by the circulation of vehicles. As? Preventing them from circulating from time to time.
For this reason, the restrictions that are established are put in place every day of the month but do not affect everyone equally, since it also depends on the type of vehicle being driven. The shifts established to define which cars have to rest are rotating, but Saturdays have their own rules. In one way or another, it is applied in 16 municipalities in Mexico City in the following municipalities of the States of Mexico:
- Atizapan of Zaragoza
- Coacalco de Berriozábal
- Cuautitlan
- Cuautitlán Izcalli
- Chalco
- Chicoloapan
- Chimalhuacan
- Ecatepec de Morelos
- Huixquilucan
- Ixtapaluca
- Peace
- Naucalpan de Juárez
- Nezahualcoyotl
- Nicolas Romero
- Tecámac
- Tlalnepantla de Baz
- Tultitlan
- Chalco Valley
What cars and license plates does Hoy No Circula Saturday affect?
So, taking all this into account, how does the Hoy No Circula project work? Basically it is about improving air quality in those places where it has the worst records. The way is simple: reduce the volume of cars on the street.
For the restrictions to be put in place, cars cannot circulate between the 05:00 and 22:00 hours. As we said, these are rotating, so depending on the license plate number and hologram, the car has to rest one day or another.
What is clear is that all cars are required to rest one day a week. But on Saturdays, there is something else to take into account, as some cars repeat and they will have to stay home for two days. Some every Saturday and others will do it every other week, depending on their hologram and license plate.
So who has to rest on saturdays? Rotating shifts define which numbers have to rest and stay at home. This week, as it is the third Saturday of the month of October, it will be the cars with hologram one and a license plate ending in an odd number that will have to rest. Also, we remember that hologram two cars have to stay home every Saturday.
To know all the details and clarify any doubts, in the image above you have all the details with whom they have to rest and when. What is also reflected in that image is that there are some exceptions that we are going to detail. Below, you have all the cars that are not affected by Today No Circula Saturday:
- Those with hologram 0 and 00
- Those that run on electricity, natural gas or are hybrids
- Those who have a disabled license plate
- All those dedicated to urban transportation services (includes funeral homes)
- Those that offer school or passenger transportation
- Those intended for public safety and/or civil protection
If you fail to comply with these restrictions, the fine will be 20 to 30 times the Unit of Measurement and Update (UMA), equivalent to 1,924.40 pesos And till 2,886.60 pesos.
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Photo | Art Markiv
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